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GuppyFriend to the Rescue

Catch microfibres before they leave your laundry.

Despite being tiny, microfibres are a big issue, and one that’s often overlooked. These minuscule pieces of fabric (smaller than 5mm) are shed from synthetic clothing when washed, eventually ending up in our rivers, lakes and oceans. Research suggests that 80% of plastic pollution is microplastics and that 70% of that microplastic pollution is microfibres. While there’s no quick fix, the GuppyFriend washing bag is an effective short-term solution, trapping microfibres so they don’t leave your washing machine. Other actions you can take to minimise microfibre pollution include buying fewer clothes; steering clear of synthetic fabrics (choose natural fibres instead); washing your clothes less often; lowering the spin rpm; using the cold and fast wash options; avoiding the use of dryers, washing balls and soap nuts, and making your voice heard by asking your favourite stores and brands for microfibre free alternatives.

GuppyFriend washing bags are available online at the GuppyFriend website or from outdoor stores such as Kathmandu and Macpac. Learn more about the problem of microplastics and what you can do to help on the GuppyFriend and Stop Micro Waste websites.


New Zealand
Reduction, Product Design
GuppyFriend to the Rescue